Would you like to be a guest blogger for the Early Modern Food Network? Would you like to be a reviewer and/or reading group moderator? We are always actively seeking contributors to our blog, and welcome your perspectives and expertise.
If you are interested in either or both of these positions, please contact us at earlymodernfoodnetwork@gmail.com with the following information:
All submissions should include:
1. Your Name (first name or blogger avatar will suffice)
2. Your Affiliation and Position (Independent Scholar, Blogger, Food Critic, Undergraduate Student, Graduate Student, Adjunct, Professor, etc)
3. The positions for which you want to serve.
4. If you are interested in becoming a guest blogger, please give us a brief summary of what sort of blog you'd like to write and when you can have it ready for submission.
5. If you are interested in becoming a recurring contributor, please give us a brief summary of your theme or thread for the recurring column you'll be posting, how often you can and would like to be featured, and when you can have your first post ready for submission. Should you be accepted as a recurring contributor, we will ask that you provide an "About Me" blurb and a photo to publish to the "About" page of our site.
6. If you are interested in becoming a reading group moderator, please give us the title of the book you would like to showcase and the questions or lines of inquiry around which your group study will be centered. Also, please provide a preliminary list of dates and a reading schedule that can be distributed to members of the group.
7. If you are interested in suggesting a book for our "Review" list, or if you would like to be a guest review yourself, please send us the title of the book and/or your typed review.
Thank you for your interest in the Early Modern Food Network. We look forward to having you on our team!